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 Post subject: How to post photos
PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 4:27 pm 
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Name: Carolyn
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At present, the forum does not allow attachments due to concerns about the amount of server space this would require. Instead, pictures need to be posted online somewhere else, and then you can display them here by linking to them in a post.

There are a variety of places where you can post photos online for free. We used to recommend Photobucket, but in June 2017 they abruptly changed their terms of service and now you have to shell out $400 a year if you want to link to photos through them. This link has a list of alternatives to Photobucket: I don't have experience with any of them.

So far it's looking like Imgur is an easy-to-use alternative that is actually a lot nicer than Photobucket. It's fast and free. The internet reports that Imgur surpassed Photobucket in popularity several years ago. People are also saying good things about Flickr, but I haven't tried it.

Photobucket used to provide coding for several types of picture links, including one that had image tags already built into it. You just copied their code and pasted it into your post. Other photo hosting sites may or may not do this. Imgur's BBCode looks like the right one to use on a forum like this one. Their Image Link code doesn't work here; it seems to be meant for email and instant messaging.

For any picture URL that doesn't already have image tags built into it, you will have to add your own. This is pretty easy. When you're typing a post, there is a row of buttons above the box you're writing in. One of them says image. Click on this button and the words image and /image will appear, with brackets around them. Insert the URL for the picture between these tags. In the case of Imgur, copy their Direct Link code and paste it between the image tags.

If that's not clear, here's an example that intentionally uses the wrong type of brackets, since they won't show up on screen if I use the right kind. You've hit the Image button and now it says <image></image> on the screen. After you've put the address in it will look like this: <image>address</image>. There's another button for video that can be used the same way to display online videos.

I'll add information below for special situations as it becomes available.


Google Photos is a special situation. It is not designed to make it easy to embed photos on a forum or website, but I was able to find a way to make it work. Here are the steps:

In Google Photos, find the Sharing Options command and copy the "link to share" address.

Go to ... 1490483464

Paste the address into the box and click "Generate Code"
When it's done the page will scroll down to two boxes.
Copythe code in the box for Direct Link URL
Go to LFB, click the Image button and paste the Direct Link URL code between the tags.

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