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 Post subject: Big poop
PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2018 1:45 pm 
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In the last couple of days my boy's poops have been bigger than usual, and slightly more watery (not really watery, just a bit more than usual).
I am terribly sick myself right now and don't know what to do. I am so worried!!!!
I read it can have to do with bad digestion.
Is it true?
He doesn't look sick at all. I know that cockatiels can hide illnesses, but he is really as lively and healthy as usual and doesn't show any signs of illness whatsoever.
What can or should I do?
I gave him some veggies yesterday, but not the day before, when the big poops started.

 Post subject: Re: Big poop
PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2018 1:53 pm 
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Oh, I must add that he has been quite hormonal in the last couple of days or so. I have noticed large poops in the cage too, so also when he is on his own, but in particular when he comes out he greets me in the morning with a large poop...
Because I have been unwell too and he has been hormonal, he might have felt stressed because I spent a lot of time in my room. I also had to put him to bed earlier than usual.

 Post subject: Re: Big poop
PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2018 4:52 pm 
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I think he is fine. :clap: :loveshower100:
He just pooped on my piano and it was a normal (small) poop.

 Post subject: Re: Big poop
PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2018 5:19 pm 
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Name: Carolyn
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Actually this sounds like a normal breeding poop. Has he been pretending to sit on invisible eggs in his cage? The parent birds don't poop in the nest and will hold it in for hours while they tend their eggs or babies. Then they drop a huge bomb when they come out. Sometimes it's the size of their head.

You say there are big poops in his cage. It sounds like he might be holding it in while he's in the cage, but there comes a point where he can't hold it in any longer so he lets it go. It's very common for pet birds to use their cage as a nest area when they're hormonal.

If they're out of the nest long enough to get the urge to go again, they'll make regular small poops. They're not trying to keep the nest clean at that point so they just go whenever they want to.

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 Post subject: Re: Big poop
PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2018 6:13 pm 
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Thank you. Yes, it could be that the big poops are due to the fact that he could not hold them any longer, as he has been in the cage longer than usual in the last couple of days, so they had to come out.
I haven't noticed him pretending to sit on invisible eggs, just shredding the paper at the bottom of the cage due to the fact that he was a bit charged due to his hormons.
Hormonal behaviour and breeding behaviour are probably related?

 Post subject: Re: Big poop
PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2018 10:13 pm 
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Name: Carolyn
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Hormonal behaviour and breeding behaviour are probably related?

Yes, very much so. Male birds aren't like human men, who are "ready to go" all the time. Instead they come into breeding condition when there are favorable conditions for breeding, and springtime is a very favorable time. Their hormone level rises and this triggers breeding behavior.

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