On March 20th,2014 I found Sunny dead in her cage. She had a great life. A lest she hang out with me one last time before she went. I am going to miss her. This hit me hard.Sunny was the best bird ever live up to be 22 year,she is in heaven with her Mate Buddy. I will miss her so much. Know her 22 years had for 7 year.I am not feeling well still and I still feel depressed. I miss my sunny girl,feeling depressed.I can not stop thinking about Sunny my baby girl. She was doing so well. First she had a stroke on January 21,2014,then 50% heal. Then in February she lay 6 eggs here are the dates.
1st egg lay February 25th 22 days throw
2nd egg lay February 28th crack throw out 11 days
3rd egg lay March 2nd crack throw out 6 days
4th egg lay March 5th crack throw out 2 days
5th egg lay March 11th 9 days throw ...out
6th egg lay March 14th 2 days crack throw out
Then she stop lay eggs,she ran back and fourth on the bottom tell me something.
I think I know what happen before she die. She fell off her perch,try to get up she could not, and then had a storke and a heart attack at the same time. I know she was old. I love her. Meka and Olivia my two girl will miss her dearly like I am.I feel some what better,part of me is there,and the other part of me is not. This been really hard for me. Seeing Sunny going through alot. And then have a stroke,then lay eggs. And then run back and forth,to tell me something. And trip on the bar on the floor and fall. Ugh then die Thursday. I miss her so much,she was special,just like my 2 birds,I have left.